Simon Mazzullo
7th Dan – HEAD COACH.
Leading the coaching team is Simon Mazzullo who has a wealth of experience. Sporting over 50 years experience practicing Judo, over 45 of those have been spent coaching Judoka. As well as running Barnet Judo Club, Simon holds key positions with the British Judo Council and the BJC British Judo Foundation. During his illustrious Judo career, Simon has won many medals including holding the UK National Champion title. He is invaluable to the coaches development, his knowledge is above and beyond. he is constantly involved in all aspects of this sport not just at club level.
Lukasz Klimek
4th Dan – head coach for senior group
A highly decorated Judoka, Lukasz has over 20 years experience practicing and competing in Judo. He runs a high level class for seniors. though he has been known to have playful antics on the mat too. Helping coach Judoka at Barnet for the last 15 years, he brings a wealth of competition knowledge and techniques. Crowned UK National Champion twice, Lukasz has also represented Poland in the Veterans European Championships. He still competes today. He is FPJ2 qualified coach.
John Burke
1st Dan – Head Coach for our juniors -10 to 16 yrs old
John has over 25 years experience practising and competing in judo, more than 10 of which have been as a judo coach. He has obtained level FPJ 1 & FPJ 2. John trains our junior class for competition’s and also prepares the older ones to make that move to our senior class. This is a hardworking class, but always with elements of fun. john is very passionate about the traditional Japanese way of teaching Judo. He trained with Simon and Marios in the Sobell judo club many years ago.
Marios Potamitis
1st Dan – Assistant Coach
JUNIORS. 10-16
Marios is another of our coaches with over 20 years experience of Judo, including being level 1 FPJ qualified. He’s been involved with Barnet Judo Club for many years and is passionate to see it succeed. He too was a student of Sobell but under Alan Fromm who was a good friend of Marios (rip)
whilst Marios is not a regular coach on the mat, he keeps up with all his courses and is there when we need him to step in.
Chris Grilli.
1st Dan – Head Coach to
As a Junior, Chris was a successful Judoka having earned gold in London area competitions. With over 20years experience of Judo, Chris delivers a fun but productive class. He also attends many of the competitions with the children and other coaches.
1stDan coach.
Chris is our newest coach, He too has many years of judo behind him. He is invaluable to the team already.
He is still very much competing and brings this element to his coaching.
Jackie Toohey-Burke
Admin: non judoka
Jackie is first port of call for all things judo in the club. as well as the admin for the club. She is there
To help parents and members with memberships, fees and any general help needed. Ie: buying our Gi and club T-Shirts and Hoodies.
She helps coaches by just general “gentle guiding” of what she wants done!
she also organises (with Simon’s and coaches input) for our members to attend various area’s and national competition’s for all members.
she has obtained all necessary Full DBS and relevant courses for the above positions.